Rise for

Rise has delivered programmes in several children’s settings, including schools and children’s hospices. Our sessions bring fun and laughter as well as physical and mental stimulation to all attendees.

Activities can be easily adapted for intergenerational groups, so sibling, parents, and grandparents, regardless of their level of ability, can all participate – inclusivity is at the heart of Rise!

Find your local Rise team here to schedule a session.

Rise programme and the National Curriculum


At Rise we believe that no one is too young or too old to learn and this is reflected in us providing the opportunity for everyone to learn through team invasion games!

Our sports are adapted to allow people of all ages to participate and more importantly afford them the opportunity to learn and develop through physical activity.

Our Rise sports programme allows participants of all abilities to take part in team invasion games that are taught across the UK including rugby, football, netball and field hockey and many others (PE Scholar Journal 2024).

Our full list of curricular-based sports include:

  • Football
  • Cricket
  • Rugby
  • Field Hockey
  • Cricket
  • Tennis
  • Netball
  • Athletics

Attainment targets:

We measure the progress of participants against attainment targets. This enables us to ensure continued progress as we strive for each participant to develop in a broad range of activities, keep physically active, engage in competitive sports and lead heathy, active lives (Gov.uk (b) 2024)

PE Curriculum:


At Rise we deliver the aims of the National Curriculum for Physical Education which ensure that all participants:

  • develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities: the Rise programme provides eight core sports linked to the curriculum
  • are physically active for sustained periods of time: the duration of our sessions is 1 hour long and we offer a weekly programme focused on physical activity
  • engage in competitive sports and activities: each of the Rise activities includes a competitive element with matches that finish each session
  • lead healthy, active lives: this is encouraged throughout the programme

(Gov.uk (a) 2024)


Our adapted sports enable the key areas of the National Curriculum to be achieved, these are:

  • Social connection: by enabling people to work together in a team as well as socialise with opponents and team metes
  • Wellbeing: by providing stimulating activities that enable people to participate, achieve and share in success with their teammates
  • Physical Literacy: teaching each individual so that they can learn and develop improved techniques to take part in the activities

(Gov.uk (b) 2024)

More activities from Rise

NHS Hospitals

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Care Homes

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Healthcare Professionals

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Community Groups

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If you are interested in attending a session please get in touch as we are adding new venues and locations on a regular basis…..

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